Thursday, May 5, 2011

Expressions of affection

Two of my wonderful friends gave me gifts last week. Separately, they both gave me a package of beautifully printed purple paper napkins. Totally weird gift right? Turns out they both know me and know I LOVE fancy purple napkins. (yep, I'm the weird one.) They both knew that I'd had a whacked out week and showed their support. Slam dunk. One million friend points to both of them.

I have received hundreds of similar beautiful expressions of love and support over the years. Some took significant effort. When my Williamsburg house burned, before I even returned to the scene, my dear friend sifted through the rubble, found my beloved sewing machine (a gift from my Grandmother), cleaned it up and presented it to me as a symbol of encouragement and hope.

Beautifully sensitive. She knew me and it likely only took a second to sleuth out what I needed.

A couple of years ago my Father in Law died of cancer. I am certain it was not the easiest time to be my friend. On the day he died, I came home and my whole house was clean. Even my toaster oven! We had a temporary house mate at the time and she knew me. I'd be going in a hundred directions over the upcoming days and she stepped in and lifted part of the load. (Then she made me a mix CD of comforting songs. So sensitive and sweet! I listened to it yesterday and it inspired this post.)

I am not a Costco fan and my neighbor knows it. Whenever she goes, she calls to see what she can pick up for me. Another friend, for my 40th birthday had a portrait made of Wonder Woman and put my own face in it so I could know how she sees me. My Dad showed up one day with a screw driver with a Purple Heart wood handle he turned on his lathe and custom fitted to my hand. And the list of beautiful expressions goes on and on.

Each of these people have used their unique gifts and sensitivities to show their affection and support for me. Many of the gestures are small but mighty. Some of them are giant displays. All of them communicate a powerful message of love.

I wondered yesterday, as I was belting out a song from my comforting mix CD, about my own expressions to other people. What am I communicating to other people about my affection and support for them? How do I express my insights into them? Am I showing them the place they hold in my heart? Reaching in when they need a lift? Helping them know they are a part of my family?

I wonder who might need their own package of lovely printed napkins?


  1. great post. encouraging, inspiring, and insightful--purple printed napkins, eh?

    it is comforting to be noticed and to be known so well. i'm glad you have had and continue to have such excellent friends who can be there for you when you need them.


  2. I really enjoy how much people enjoy knowing you.
