Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Things you can't say to your wife

Heavy stuff Tanya! I thought I was going to be delving into light topics like which direction the forks go in the dish washer. Suddenly we are talking about abused children. What in the world? Sorry for the bait and switch. I don't really have a plan here. I did warn you that this blog would be a peek into my mind which in the span of 3o seconds can combine yelling at a squirrel to stop eating my tulips to grappling with the injustices of the world, all while singing "The Pirates who Don't do Anything". It's a circus in here.

How about something funny? I have just become aware of Tim Hawkins. Hilarious comedian. I don't generally love comedy shows but this song cracked me up. Check out this song called "Things you can't say to your wife" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK2OakMoW_c (I need to figure out how to make that prettier and where are the interesting pictures Tanya? Remember I am new at this. Baby blogger alert.)

Why is it that there is a whole list of things you can't say to your wife? We all laugh at them because they are universally horrifying, everyone knows them and yet it is funny because men still say them. Is there a list of things you can't say to your husband? Where is that list? Are women just crushing men right and left with insensitive comments, making them feel stupid and bald, diminishing their lawn mowing and grill-master skills and not knowing it? Do men just not care what we think? Have they tuned us out and truly don't care if their butt looks big in those jeans? How is that possible?

Maybe I will compose a light ballad of things you can't say to your husband. Please weigh in with taboo topics and tune suggestions.


  1. His mother
    Your mother
    Dirty underwear
    Talking with their mouth full of food
    Being a baby when they are sick

    If I ponder this longer, I might get myself into trouble. My hubby just flew into town tonight from a week long vacation to go golfing with his dad, which he does at least 2x per year.


    I need to go back to Portland.

  2. There are things a wife can't say to their husband, but that list is on the list of things that husbands can't say to their wives.
