I'm thinking about Diana Nyad today. She is the endurance swimmer who is going to swim for 60 hours to cross the span between Cuba and Florida in shark infested waters. She has been training by swimming for over 12 hours a day. 12 hours a day! She is almost 62 years old and says she is in better shape, frame of mind and more prepared than she was when she first attempted this, and did not succeed, in 1978. Back when she was 29!
What is making her do this? She said in an interview that she has been "listening to herself" over the past 10 years and could no longer ignore the little voice that was telling her that, after all these years, she was ready.
That makes me think about listening. When people share their stories with me do they feel heard? How long does it take me to actually "hear" what they are telling me? I think I am often hesitant to actually listen to myself. I wonder why? A painful message? My heart knows that I need to be nudged out into the unknown? I am committing to listen more closely.
How effectively do you listen to yourself? What has been nagging you that you need to hear?
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