Monday, March 28, 2011

To delve:

My husband calls me a "delver". defines "delve" as: to carry on intensive and thorough research for data, information, or the like; investigate.

I am pretty sure the name fits. I love to know people and things. I like to ask questions, usually rapid fire and in mass quantities. I like to know what people are thinking and why, how things work and how to make them work better.

Evidently not everyone likes to have the inner recesses of their minds probed by an eager and enthusiastic "delver". My sons (and husband, admit it Mister!) continue to try new techniques to shut down my questioning. Some techniques work better than others. One went so far as to make up a story about being sent to the principal's office for an unknown infraction so we could talk about that instead of "how his day was". The other son anticipates the questions and tries to answer them as quickly and briefly as possible and then darts away.

I have come a very long way and realize now that timing is everything. They periodically commend me for my restraint these days, especially when they can see I am holding back a rushing river of inquiry.

It appears I need to expand my avenues for conversation and investigation. I think I will unleash that rushing river here. I am not sure what that means and I guarantee there will be totally random topics. I don't consider myself a writer. I think in colors, textures, shapes and fabrics not words. Maybe my questions have a colorful texture? I like the idea of combining my creative pursuits.

I welcome you to delve with me if you will. When you get overwhelmed by my barrage, you can politely power off and be no more offensive than my squirrelly children.



  1. I admit nothing.

    I do love the new blog though. It is sort of like eavesdropping, but not sneaky. You will not be able to help but share something of who you are in a way that you would never communicate directly and that will let me see another side of you. That, I'm sure, will mean yet more of your beauty in my world.

    I also like the blog because you are light that God gave to the world to help people in dark places begin to think there is a reason to believe the world does not have to be so dark. this blog may be a nice new hill for you to stand on so that even more people can see God's light through you.

    Also, you rock.

    Also, perfect background/layout. Looks great.

  2. So,I posted once already, and it's not here. The comment was something like - YEAY! You started the blog!:)

  3. Thanks guys. It makes me a touch nervous that two of the best bloggers I know are reading what I have written here.

  4. Does it make you feel better to know I'm a lousy blogger and I'm reading too? I prefer to listen to anything you have to say over thousands of things facebook friends say.

    I know very little spanish, but what I do know has nothing to do with comforting a child. So way to go there... I would have been saying something along the lines of "How much, Pablo?"

    I'll be back frequently. Write freely, friend.

  5. ha! Chelan, that could very well have been what I said to little Pablo!

  6. "delve" a great word, and so very perfectly applied! so glad the blog is up and running. It looks wonderful! and I am looking forward to reading what you have to ask and say and wonder about!

    Hope this blog will be a fantastic experience for you, and great outlet.

